Friday, December 23, 2011
Hands and Feet of Christ
For just as the body is a unity and yet has many parts, and all the parts, though many, form (only) one body, so it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12 AMP
After my parents were divorced finances were difficult. Fortunately, My Mom, a new Christian, had a group of strong Christian friends who supported her spiritually and helped her grow in Christ through times of praise, study and prayer meetings. I don’t’ see many prayer meetings anymore, but these women prayed together every Thursday.
Each Christmas Eve my Mom, sister and I looked forward to bundling up and walking to church. The sidewalks of our quaint suburban were lined with luminaries made of paper bags, mason jars or milk jugs. There was a certain reverent hush as the candlelight danced on the blanket of snow giving the town a magical, hopeful glow.
The pine scented church was abundantly decorated with green-lit trees. Nestled among a dozen trees in a front alcove was the manger scene--everyone present except Jesus.
Exactly at midnight, the choir director’s wife would begin to sing “Oh, Holy Night”. As the song ambled toward its crescendo, Jesus would be carried slowly down the center aisle and placed in the manger.
It was a time of reverence, wonder and awe. Not because of the gifts we would receive, but because of the gift we already received—Jesus.
The year I turned nine, we walked home from church as usual, basking in the warmth of the music and the enchanting glow of the candlelight. When we reached home and opened the door, each of us, including Mom, was amazed. Pouring across the floor in front of the fireplace was an avalanche of gifts. It was obvious to this nine-year-old and her younger sister that Santa had indeed been there. It was more than we expected; more than we needed. We would have been content to spend the day together with a few gifts from the dollar store, but God and his people had other plans.
My Mom’s prayer group “got it”. Although it didn’t need to be a time of extravagant gift giving, God had given the rather extravagant gift of His son. . .and they, His other children, made in His image, followed suit. Not to impress, not out of obligation, not to have a “good deed at Christmas” crossed off of their to do list; they gave out of His love and extravagance toward them.
Like most Christmases, I can’t remember what I received, but what remains is the memory of friends who not only saw a need, but took time out of their busy holiday schedules to make a plan, meet the need and demonstrate His love. Friends who were truly His hands and feet.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Do You Really Want the Sledgehammer?
The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. Psalm 25:14
When friends in our life present us a message, they often begin their approach with subtle suggestion. If they notice no change, often they will attempt something a little firmer. A true friend, though, will stick with you on an important issue until you hear; even if it means being so harsh that you feel like you have been beaten with a sledgehammer.
Let us be alert to hear the message when it is subtle and feels more full of grace like a feather. If not, we may find ourselves left bloodied and hurting from the wounds of a sledgehammer.
. . .so it is with my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55: 11
Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life; again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once again. Psalm 71: 20-21
Don't Choose the Field Trip
Learn the lesson in the classroom . . .so that you don’t have to go on the field trip.
I’m thinking now of a friend that does not seem to choose to learn from the wisdom of others. Yes, I understand that the things suggested by the wise or by God-inspired words are not always convenient, not always easy, not always popular and don’t always feel good (see Colossians 2:8 below) . To throw the wisdom away based on any of these superficial reasons is to risk a painful field trip, and perhaps, risk taking innocent bystanders along for the ride.
I listened to a wise man giving advice to a friend. There were many common themes to his message: forgiveness, letting go, moving on. . .but there was one tangible piece of advice that he offered that was unmistakably concrete.
How is it that sometimes you understand the counsel given to others so clearly. . .and the intended party remains oblivious? They rationalize, explain, justify. . . all with no intention to implement. Should we not worry when we work overtime NOT to execute the wisdom bestowed on us or instead asking ourselves “Why do I protest so much?”
After a battle with the warring spirits of rationalization, explanation, and justification, we are left ruffled and uneasy. But when we take in the advice, consider it, and pray over it, even if, afterwards we don’t agree with it, we are left with a sense of peace.
God has blessed me with the opportunity to learn from other people’s experiences many times, but it is up to me to put this learning into use. . .lest, I too, end up on a field trip of my own.
I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees: I will not neglect your word. Proverbs 119:14-16
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. Colossians 2:8
. . .A man is a slave to whatever has mastered him. 2 Peter 2:19b
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Getting Dirty in the Muddy Water
In a home group I am in we are reading Radical-Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream by David Platt. The first four chapters were. . .radical. By the fifth, though, we were getting to the part where we could begin to see the application of the material. The chapter was about Jesus’s relational model and making disciples. The most uncomfortable part for me was the fact that he “got dirty” with those he was discipling. He did what they did and went where they went. It reminded me of a John Eldredge term “we have to get into the muddy water with them”: the concept always gets to me.
I wonder, based on the conversations at home group, if we aren't already engaged in making disciples? From what I am hearing, most of us are engaged in looking for and acting upon opportunities. I'm not saying that it couldn't be deeper, or that we don't let opportunities slip through the cracks, but we are on the right path.
I remember studying Beth Moore's "Believing God". One of the daily activities was being intentional at recognizing God's hand in our lives. Being intentional really helped me see Him better. I wonder if being challenged to write down our acts of obedience or disciple making wouldn't make our group more intentional garnering us more encouragement to share weekly? So often when God presents a challenge to us he lets it be something easy to get out of. . .to sweep under the rug. . .to forget about. If we approached life more intentionally, I wonder if that little bit of accountability would produce more positive outcomes. . .and hence encouraging testimonies of the fruits of obedience.
During this season of lent when some sectors of religion encourage giving something up, I think, instead, I am going to try to be more available to opportunities. . .and to act on them quickly before the opportunity is lost or forgotten. I am going to record the encounter and the outcome to see the result of obedience. I am going to plant seeds and see if I can’t notice a little growth. . .if not in the others. . .than in myself.
She Speaks. . .after fifteen years
Fifteen years ago tomorrow I started what was to be a one-year hiatus from looking for a job in my field . . .and became a thirteen-year journey around the country and the world.
About every six months I would become antsy and question why I using a college degree to load luggage. Every time I would receive an answer that comforted me as to why I was placed at USAirways.
One time, though, I was particularly antsy. I said, “God, you know that I am your stupidest child. If you want me to leave here you are going to have to use billboards. . .in neon.”
Not three days later my co-workers and I were called into a meeting announcing the lay off our entire division. The other three-hundred employees were shocked, hurt and upset. I had to leave the room because a seemingly inappropriate ear to ear smile had plastered itself across my face. I had my answer, big as a billboard and bright as neon. . .I was free to write.
That was the easy part. Entering the new field of writing was not so easy. Slowly, though, I began to follow His leading and His articles were published.
As a writer I often feel alone. So when the possibility of a scholarship to attend the She Speaks Conference was forwarded to me by a dear friend, I knew that I had to go for it.
She Speaks features tracks for writers, speakers and women’s ministry leaders. I think the charge and encouragement I would receive would be a welcome infusion into my writing. It is also a wonderful opportunity to meet others and obtain expert advice and education to excel in this calling. I need a big dose of energy and inspiration. I pray that this scholarship will help me reconnect with a Big God who calls us to do Big Things for him and gives us the power to accomplish them with and through Him.
As I begin to reflect on my walk with God this Lenten season, I can’t help but think that I could be a whole lot more effective if my walk was a whole lot closer to Him. Knowing I was attending She Speaks and working fully up to that deadline would be a tremendous source of power for me.
Could it be a coincidence the contest deadline marks the fifteenth year of the beginning of my former career. . .I think not.
She Speaks Scholarship Contest 2011
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