Thursday, March 10, 2011

She Speaks. . .after fifteen years

Fifteen years ago tomorrow I started what was to be a one-year hiatus from looking for a job in my field . . .and became a thirteen-year journey around the country and the world.

About every six months I would become antsy and question why I using a college degree to load luggage. Every time I would receive an answer that comforted me as to why I was placed at USAirways.

One time, though, I was particularly antsy. I said, “God, you know that I am your stupidest child. If you want me to leave here you are going to have to use billboards. . .in neon.”

Not three days later my co-workers and I were called into a meeting announcing the lay off our entire division. The other three-hundred employees were shocked, hurt and upset. I had to leave the room because a seemingly inappropriate ear to ear smile had plastered itself across my face. I had my answer, big as a billboard and bright as neon. . .I was free to write.

That was the easy part. Entering the new field of writing was not so easy. Slowly, though, I began to follow His leading and His articles were published.

As a writer I often feel alone. So when the possibility of a scholarship to attend the She Speaks Conference was forwarded to me by a dear friend, I knew that I had to go for it.

She Speaks features tracks for writers, speakers and women’s ministry leaders. I think the charge and encouragement I would receive would be a welcome infusion into my writing. It is also a wonderful opportunity to meet others and obtain expert advice and education to excel in this calling. I need a big dose of energy and inspiration. I pray that this scholarship will help me reconnect with a Big God who calls us to do Big Things for him and gives us the power to accomplish them with and through Him.

As I begin to reflect on my walk with God this Lenten season, I can’t help but think that I could be a whole lot more effective if my walk was a whole lot closer to Him. Knowing I was attending She Speaks and working fully up to that deadline would be a tremendous source of power for me.

Could it be a coincidence the contest deadline marks the fifteenth year of the beginning of my former career. . .I think not.

She Speaks Scholarship Contest 2011

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